Improve Your Health

The Centers for Disease Control report that roughly 42% of people between age 45 and 64 do no physical exercise, that half the people aged 65-74 do nothing and two thirds of people over the age of 75 do absolutely nothing in terms of leisure time physical activity! Yet in study after study exercise and physical activity has been shown to improve mood and decrease depression, improve blood pressure, help manage weight and help manage chronic pain just to name a few things!

So will 2012 be the year that you decide to improve your health?

The most frequent mistake people make when starting an exercise program is starting too much, too soon. This leads to discouragement and potentially injuries. Start your exercise program gradually and build up your tolerance. Fitting exercise into your already busy life may seem difficult but  it can be easier than you think . To help you stick to your program it helps to have an exercise buddy or make exercise a family activity.

Physical activity should be part of your daily routine for a long and healthy life. So make 2012 the year to shut off that TV or computer, get off the couch and get moving!